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getBatteryLevel() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicButton
Get battery level.
getBdAddr() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicButton
Get the BD address of this Flic button bluetooth device, that uniquely identifies it.
getBluetoothState() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicManager
Get the current Bluetooth state.
getButtonByBdAddr(String) - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicManager
Get a button by its BD address.
getButtonUuid() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicButton
Get the public button uuid of this Flic button.
getConnectionState() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicButton
Get the connection state of a Flic button bluetooth device.
getKnownButtons() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicManager
Get all previously known buttons.
getManager() - Static method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicManager
Get an instance of the FlicManager.
getMinimumSignalStrength() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicManager
Get the minimum signal strength for a Bluetooth device to be found.
getName() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicButton
Get the name of this Flic button.
getPressCount() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicButton
Get press count.
getRevision() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicButton
Get the latest known revision of the button.
getScanWizard() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicManager
Get the FlicScanWizard singleton instance.
getSerialNumber() - Method in class io.flic.poiclib.FlicButton
Get the factory serial number of the button.